As third year occupational therapy (OT) students we decided to organise and host an event for National OT week 2014. We felt this would be a great opportunity to promote our profession within the Faculty and amongst the local community. As part of our third year course we are offered the opportunity to take on an ‘emerging role’ placement. This is working with a charity… Read more »
Posts Tagged: OT
Lauren: Flying the nest – the end of year three and the beginning of me…
It has been a while since my last blog and much has happened since then. So I thought I’d summarise the last four months, finishing uni, and letting you know my plans for the days ahead. When I wrote back in February I was immersed in my placement. I’m pleased to say the experience was excellent and I achieved a personal best in my final… Read more »
Jenni: Emerging placements – my experience
As I may have mentioned before, for my final placement I am on a role emerging placement called the ‘Dementia care initiative’ where I’m trying to bring the mental health needs of those with dementia in hospital into the picture! Being on an emerging role placement is nothing like any placement that I’ve been on before. Prior to starting I was really nervous, often wondering… Read more »
Lauren: Making a positive contribution to the NHS intervention service
So the New Year is well and truly underway proving that time really does fly when you’re having fun! I can honestly say that my final year emerging role placement is ticking all the right boxes so far. I am now in week six of 10 and working with a busy, but very supportive, team of mental health practitioners, most of whom are nurses or… Read more »
Jenni: Getting all ‘Blue Peter’ on my final year placement…
Well I am on my LAST University placement and the game is really on! As final year students we are expected to be a lot more independent as we’ll be heading out into the working world in the very near future! I’m on an emerging placement, a ‘dementia care initiative’, working within an acute hospital setting but focused on the mental health needs of those… Read more »
Lauren: Highlights from the first semester
Hi it’s Lauren here. Just thought I’d tell you about a couple of things that stood out for me during my first semester and give you a few tips which may help others along the way. In her previous blog, Jenni mentioned the emerging role placements that us lucky OT’s have been offered this year. I too applied for one of these roles and, along… Read more »
Jenni: Year 3 – here we are!
So here we are, 3rd year OT students settled back into lectures… But it’s not quite what we’re used to! We’re currently in the process of applying for role emerging placements. This is a really exciting opportunity for 3rd year students as it gives us the chance to work independently and show services just how great OT is and what it can do for them…. Read more »
What to expect from the OT course
Hi, we’re Jenni and Lauren, 3rd year Occupational Therapy degree students at Southampton. Jenni’s main OT interest is the use of sensory stimulation with a range of client groups and Lauren’s OT interests are within mental health services. As we enter our final year of the course we thought we’d tell you what we have learned so far. So… Year one is all about learning… Read more »